Monday, 4 June 2012

Avon Agility Show 2012

Set off early to miss the heavy traffic.
Set up tent and then went to the New Lanark conservation village, and a walk along the river to the waterfalls.
This is really worth seeing what life was really like in the 18th century.
Jodie was amazing at an Agility run in 33 secs but with 5 faults, but hey ho we got a second place out of it.
We had a very good run in John's class on the Sunday a jumping one this time and won it with a time just over 30 secs.
Imagine getting 2 rossies at one show fandabidozie.
A very happy chappie on the road home.
Should also say about the Avon members, they worked thier socks off all weekend.
Also the judges and scrimers, helpers were terrific as usual, if it wisna for these people, I widna get to play.

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