Saturday, 28 April 2012

Woodside Show

Looks like I dinna need to get to Woodie early on the first day about 90 dogs to run before we get a run.
Expecting all the runs to be a big E anyway. Seems to be a lot of smalls at the show as well, most of them must be in the 5 to 7 grades.

1 comment:

  1. Well arrived at Biggar about 08.30.
    Sun was out but it was very cold for May.
    Jodie had a run in 1 - 7 combined agility we got the big E at the second jump.
    Didn't get our second run until about 17.00 another big E in a jumping one trying to beat a 19 sec run from another competitor.
    On to our final run an agility at 19.00 we went like the wind think I wasted a wee bit of time at the weaves but was clear in 41 sec, yippee we got a second place.
