Sunday, 25 December 2011

2011 Agility

Well our agility is completed for 2011, had a very good season but really should have done better.
Had some very good judges, and scrimers some brilliant courses as well.
We had with Jodie our first ever clear round in agility.
Also won 2 jumping rounds and had a few other rossies mostly with time faults or fences down.
I think Jodie was quick all year but stupid little errors make a big difference.
Maybe need to not go to the further away shows, as the petrol is eating up my pension money quickly.
At the time of writing we have finished 3rd in the oldies, platinum smalls on Agilitynet which is very good considering we have only done about 8 shows this year.

Tuesday, 6 September 2011

Well on to ACTS show this Sat/Sun.
Hope we have a wee bit of success at this one, also hope the weather is good for agility.
Sat weather was drizzly and very slippy underfoot.
We had a 3rd in agility and a 4th in jumping both with 5 faults though, Jodie was very quick again.
Sun we surpassed ourselves and had a 1st in 1-4 combined Jumping, the weather was much brighter no rain but it was still slippy.
That is our agility season finished until next year, think I will have to put some effort into some training and stop these stupid little mistakes we make.

Saturday, 20 August 2011


Of to SKC on the Sunday means an early start again, doing a pairs with an unknown medium dog wonder if they know that agility is fun for me. Lets hope the weather is good, not like KOF.
Well weather was iffy, cold a bit windy and some drizzle.
Met my pairs partner, who was the best looking dog at the show, a very handsome Sheltie called Moto.
My 1st run came to grief at the 1st fence, Jodie knocked it down, my pairs partner must have said what a numpty.
2nd run was much better but we still had 10 faults, so still in grade 3 and not likely to get out of it as well.
Well on to the pairs, I thought Jodie ran well, we were clear I went for the baton for the changeover, and Jodie shot over the first fence again so we got the big E before Moto even started. Next time I will just grab Jodie and the baton at the same time when we finish.
Moto must have thought I have a real numpty as a partner, think he will be looking for a new partner next year, I enjoyed the show and meeting Mark and Sam who travelled a long way to get to SKC probably a 1,000 mile round trip.

Sunday, 7 August 2011

KOF show

Had a very good time at the show on the Sat, just started to rain after we had finished.
Had 5 faults in Linda Park ring, had a clear and a 3 rd in Aline combined agility also a clear and a 1st place in Adelle jumping graded.
Rained all night and at 06.30 decided the conditions were too wet for doing agility and went home like a drookit rat. Some parts of the road home were flooded.
Hope all the other competitors got safely out of the field at the end of the day

Saturday, 30 July 2011

Another 3 shows to do this year and looking forward to them all.
Kingdom Of Fife at St Andrews, must go and get an ice cream at the shop that has 52 flavours. Of course the dogs will get a cappie (cone to you)
Smashing beach when the tide is out,miles to walk and a nature reserve to see the wildlfe at the end.

Tuesday, 19 July 2011

Granite City Show

Granite City show this weekend, at least the classes for smalls and mediums are much better than the Beardie Collie show which was last week.
Wonder if we will maybe manage a clear round at this show?
Only have 3 shows after this one to do this year so it would be nice to get a rossie again.
Well Jodie was going well on the Sat but all the big E.
On Sunday we had a second place in a jumping and a third in an agility round both were clears.
But the jumping one had 90 secs of time faults, very tight time from the judge only the winner was just inside the time.
It was nice to go home with 2 nice photo frames although I have no piccies of Jodie jumping.

Thursday, 23 June 2011

Well no more shows for us until GCDAC 23/24th July.
I like East Lothian show, but have to curtail a few shows because of the costs of travelling.
Not doing the Beardie show either, even if it is local because of the classes on offer.
Smalls and Mediums are all combined 1 to 7 except 1 class, whille the large dogs get mostly graded classes.

Thursday, 2 June 2011


We are off to Avon on Friday for another bash at getting out of grade 3.
This time I should be leaving about 15.00 I hope, so can get tent set up.
Hope the weather is better than Gleniffer's.
Hope to get finished early on Sat because I have to go to Larkhall to see Heather Smith HTM.
Well weather was so so at Avon some sun some cloudy but on Sun morning was back to being slightly cold.
Jodie had some good runs but with the usual big E's
Went to the HTM Sat pm, but was greeted with some bad news, Polly, Heather's Beardie had to be PTS on the Friday night. Hope that Charlie and Polly are playing together in the agility field.
Met my first White Schnauzer doing agility, he was so good that he won into grade 6.
His stablemate also qualified for the Olympia semi- final in Birmingham what a good weekend Louise had with them.
A third Schnauzer, medium this time also qualified for Olympia semi finals well done to Tess To Impress she looked as though she was enjoying agility again.

Friday, 27 May 2011

Well we are off to Gleniffer early in the morning, hope to leave before 04.00.
Wonder what will be in store for us?
I slept in, and never left until about 04.45, had a good journey down and very little traffic, arrived at 08.10.
Weather both mornings had wind and rain but it cleared up in the afternoon.
Surprise Surprise, Jodie got a 4th in jumping thanks to Gleniffer's generous amount of rossies.

Tuesday, 10 May 2011

Well hope the weather is good for the Fair City show this coming weekend.
Will need to try and get out of grade 3.
Weather was good, had a few walks around the grounds of Scone Palace and the river Tay.
Saw what looked like an otter also a number of Ducklings with the seagulls dive bombing them.
Highlight of the weekend was getting a judges special rossie.

Monday, 25 April 2011

Weather was good at KOF for the whole weekend. My handling let Jodie down again 4 big E's and one with 5 faults.

Friday, 15 April 2011

Hinna been in here for a while. Jodie after 27 months of trying has went and got a clear round at last. At Woodbank show she managed 2 x 3rd places both in agility rounds. We are going to St Andrews this weekend to try and do it again